It would have been a strange sight to look in my kitchen window the other night.
On the floor surrounded by buttons, buckles and various cogs, tears streamed down my face. Were they tears of sadness? frustration? anger? No. They were tears of remembrance.
Now, since beginning The Forest Flaw, many strange things have flooded back to me. The first creatures (owls) required blanket stitching. This stitch was taught to me by my Gang Gang (or Grandma to you lay-people). Gang Gang would diligently sew back on ears and eyes from much loved stuffed toys. She would happily fashion new arms and darn patches and re-fashion bits of cats and pandas.
But another revelation was in the materials she used. My Gang Gang was handy with the material box.
My much loved sausage dog had his floppy ear replaced with a flannelette face-washer. And I thought that was grand.
My cat's eyes would be replaced with a button taken from a worn out cardigan. And I thought that was wonderous.
My smurf had the tip of his hat replaced with a bit of pillowcase. And I thought that was strange - but loved it none-the less.
Gang Gang sewed and told me stories. Stories about the old days, how she would walk to town with no shoes and see a movie for a penny. She sewed and told me tales about her childhood. But the main thing I remember is that she sewed (and knitted itchy jumpers, but that's another story).
So perhaps without knowing it she has influenced me in my creative pursuits. I sew creatures using socks and tea towels. I stitch creations using jumpers and tops.
Recently I was given the most precious gift to my business endeavor yet. The large Pablo coffee jar with yellow lid that Gang Gang would save all her buttons and gismos into. She would dip into this jar to mend my cat's face's, my bears noses, and even the jumpers I wore.
So It was this jar that I sprawled out on the floor to rummage through. I picked up buttons from dresses she wore, buckles from the belts she saved, and remembered all the nifty things she created and crafted with them.
So thanks Gang Gang, you've influenced me more than I had realised, and now each creature I send out into the world is just that little bit more special.
Thank you for sharing. A briliant warm blog with your creations that have their own personality. A joy to see.