explainin loooosy

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Friday 4 November 2011

Just the meaning of life...no biggie

I've been reading about quantum physics again.

Couple this with the ABC news post that the planet has reached 7 billion people and it really makes you wonder - what is the point of it all?

Also, what drives people to create? Why the driving need to make more? We are constantly making more people, so in turn we need more clothes, more food, more housing more ... stuff.
When you start to read and watch and think about the big picture (as we do now in the 'global community' we live in) it makes you start to spread out, think about the big problems and it can really weigh you down.

I've been giving this a lot of thought lately and I think I have found a solution.
Yes, I have solved the world's problems.
Well, actually, it's a boring old adage that has just become like so much background noise "think globally, act locally". This always conveyed to me that if I thought really hard about the rain forests when I took my little green bag to the supermarket that it somehow saved a green tree frog somewhere in Brazil.
But no. I think I get it. I think we are TOO global. We have forgotten about our own little nucleus. Our own little havens. It's easy to lose sight of the big picture when you don't see any change. It's a little like losing weight - if you don't see the pounds sloughing off after resisting one chocolate bar then what's the point?

The point is making small changes in your own life can have a wide spreading effect. I'm talking less environmental, more focus on the mental.
Taking stock of what's important to you can lead to some pretty big changes. If you are a creative person, try putting that high on your priorities, you never know where it will lead you. 
If family time is what floats your boat, then more of that. If sitting on green grass sipping iced tea for 3 hours a day makes you feel fulfilled, make it a must do. It's when we feel like our needs are being met that we can have the mental energy to do everything else. In fact, everything else feels like a breeze.

We can't affect everything, but we can change our own little cluster of life. And change begets change, and if you believe in string theory - everything's connected, so nothing happens without consequence (*note- do not reference my string theory quote - loosely transcribed by my brain from a book I do not understand in the least).

So I'm taking my own advice, I'm taking a leap and going to make being creative a priority. I will only be going out to work for a couple days a week and spending more time and energy making the Forest Flaw a really happening concern.
This should make a big impact on my little nucleus - I will be happier, more fulfilled and hopefully more relaxed. That is until Husband comes home tonight and I inform him of my new and improved 'act locally' plan. That's when it could have the potential to become global...

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